Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling
, Cimini D., Di Girolamo P., Marzano F. S., and Rizi V. (Eds.), ISBN: 978-90-815839-4-7, doi:10.12898/ISTP9prc, L'Aquila, Italy, September 2012
Hosts and Committees
Monday 3 September 2012
Session A: Algorithms for Improved Parameter Retrievals
Session B: Evaluation of Models and Data Assimilation
Tuesday 4 September 2012
Session C: Aerosols, Clouds and Precipitation
Session D: Boundary Layer and Mesoscale Studies
Wednesday 5 September 2012
Session C: Aerosols, Clouds and Precipitation
Session E: Validation, Instrument Synergies and Field Experiments (COST 0702 Session)
Thursday 6 September 2012
Session F: Thermodynamics, Turbulence and Radiation
Session G: Networks, Satellites and Aircrafts
Session H: New Instruments
Friday 7 September 2012
Session I: Water Vapor, Ozone and Trace Gases
Poster Session
Algorithms for Improved Parameter Retrievals
Evaluation of Models and Data Assimilation
Aerosols, Clouds and Precipitation
Boundary Layer and Mesoscale Studies
Validation, Instrument Synergies and Field Experiments (COST 0702 Session)
Thermodynamics, Turbulence and Radiation
Networks, Satellites and Aircrafts
New Instruments
Water Vapor, Ozone and Trace Gases