CHyM model Version 5.00 documentation - Last update: March, 9 2021
CHyMLab Utility
Showing parameters
show <PARAM>
Shows parameters, setting and characteristic of the CHyM output file you are analyzing
file Shows the setting of domain and other main parameters of CHyM output file you are analyzing
rivers Shows the list of the river for the current domain, it is equivalent of plot rivers command
Saving fields
Save the field passed as first argument (drai or dem). The last argument is not yet used and the field is saved in ascii format.
Plotting static fields
plot <FIELD> <GraphOpt> <Plotopt>
The graphic options corresponds to the standard option used by chymplot routines. If the minus sign "-" is passed for this argument, the standard graphic options are used.
To customize the labelbar, modify and call the routine personallabelbar inside chymlab code
In the first column of the following rows, the possible options for the first argument are listed.
accl Plots the map of the acclivity defined as the sinus of the terrein slope in the direction of surface flow
area Plots the map of area array containg the area of each cell (km²)
avrt Plots the map of average runoff time toward the sea (hours)
avru Plots the map of average runoff time for the upstream basin
dem Plots the map of dem array containg the height above sea level of each cell (m)
drai Plots the map of drai array containg the total drained area by each cell (thousunds of km²)
fmap Plots the map of fmap array containg, for each cell, a coded value of flow direction. 1 means North-West, 2 means North, 3 means North-East, 4 means East, 5 means South-East, 6 means South, 7 means South-West, 8 means West.
lat Plots the map of lat array containg, for each cell, the latitude.
lon Plots the map of lon array containg, for each cell, the longitude.
luse Plots the map of luse array containg, for each cell, the landuse code.
ndrc Plots the map of total number of drained cells
rbasin Plot one or several river catchements. As an example the plot on the right has been produced with the command
plot rbasin Lc 66 23 42
66, 23 and 42 are number of different basins as listed by plot rivers command (see below).
If a single basin is selected, also the drainage network is plotted over the catchment.
rdem Plot the drainage network over the dem field. The plot on the right has been produced with the command
plot rdem Llc 66 66 is the number of basin as listed by plot rivers command (see below).
rivers Plots the map of river mouths. The number assigned to each mouth allows the user to select a specific domain in the following analysys.
A list is also produced to standard output with the name of the rivers (if it is included in the river.basin database of MuSEO)
rtsc Plots the map of runt array containg, for each cell, the runoff time (hours)
runt Plots the map of runt array containg, for each cell, the average runoff time (hours) of the upstream basin
srs Plots the map of surface runoff speed
1-D plotting
crsc Plot the cross section of 2 dimensional fields. General syntax is the following:
FIELD1 e FIELD2 are two integer specifying the fields with the following meaning:
  • 1. Acclivity
  • 2. Digital Elevation Model
  • 3. Drained area
LATLONINDEX is an integer specifying the index of longitude (if >0) or longitude (if <0). The example on the right is created using
plot crsc 1 2 264
dspt Plot the discharge and the BDD index along the riverpath. General syntax is the following:
plot dspt <RIVER> <TIMESLICE>
Plotting dynamical fields
plot <FIELD> <GraphOpt> <Plotopt>
The graphic options corresponds to the standard option used by chymplot routines. If the minus sign "-" is passed for this argument, the standard graphic options are used.
In the first column all the possible options for the first argument are listed.
arain Plots the map of accumulated rain between the time slices provided as argument. As an example to plot the 24-hours accumlated rain between the silce 101 and 124 (plots on the right column) gives the command:
plot arain lLc 101 124
bdd Plots the map of BDD alarm index.
cai Plots the map of CAI alarm index. Note that, for a significant mapping of CAI index, you have to skip at least a number time-slice equal to the maximum valus of average runoff time for the selected domain (see how to plot avru field in the upper part of this documet).
The example shown in the figure is obtained with the chymlab command:
plot cai - 106
gh2o Plots the map of ground water (array gh2o of chymdata. The array contains the total content of water for each not-river grid points.
wrun Plots the map of surface water available for runoff. This field is saved, during the integration, after the rain field is added by melting and return flow, and subtracted by evapotranspiration and infiltration.
Also note that this field is saved in the array wkm1 by the routine readdynamicalfield.
rain Plots the map of rain field at a fixed timeslice
rsrm Plots the map of rain source map field at a fixed timeslice
snow Plots the map of snow cover.
temp Plots the map of temperature field.
wbdd Plots the map of worst BDD index between the time slices provided as argument. As an example to plot the 24-hours worst index between the silce 101 and 124 (plots on the right column) gives the command:
plot wbdd lLc 101 124
CHyM model documentation by Marco Verdecchia This document has been updated on March, 09 2020, h: 17:56