MVLib - Short Writeup - Version 4.0
Example Number 17 - Downscaling of MM5 fields on CHyM grid
This simple example shows how to read museo MM5 archive using museomm52d routine and how to downscale this field on CHyM grid using chymdownscaling. The downscaled filed is then plotted using chymplottemp routine.
The source code to produce these plots is available here and the complete script running the code is available here.
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	parameter (ixm=100,jxm=100)
	real t(ixm,jxm),xlat(ixm,jxm),xlon(ixm,jxm)
	parameter (slon=13.388794,slat=41.511648,nlon=287,nlat=200,dij=0.003)
	parameter (elon=slon+(nlon-1)*dij,elat=slat+(nlat-1)*dij)
	integer ora,giorno,mese,anno ; character data*60
	integer ca(nlon,nlat) ; real mt(nlon,nlat),work(nlon,nlat)
	xlat=-9999 ; xlon=-9999

	ora=10 ; giorno=20 ; mese=6 ; anno=2011
	call museomm52d('t2m',anno,mese,giorno,ora,3,t,xlat,xlon,ixm,jxm,ix,jx)
	call chymdownscaling(t,xlon,xlat,ixm,jxm,
	2	mt,ca,work,nlon,nlat,slon,slat,dij,dij)
	call chymgrid(nlon,nlat,slon,slat,dij,dij)
	call chymplottemp(mt,nlon,nlat,'lc1')
	call mvlibsignature
	call displayexample('example17','MM5 Temperature field on CHyM grid',' ')