MVLib - Short Writeup - Version 4.0
Example Number 37 - Retrieve data from ModIS archive
This example show hout to use the subroutines snowfrommodis to retrive data from ModIS archive. The plot is built calling several times the routine boxplot, at each cycle a single color is paint using a singole code of the array modis.
The fortran code is available here and the complete script running the code is available here.
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	implicit none
	character title*60,data*60,legend(11)*10
	integer nlat,nlon,giorno,mese,anno,rec,n1,n2,julianday
	parameter (nlat=2529,nlon=3458)
	real slon,elon,slat,elat,modis(nlon,nlat)
	integer icc(11),ic(11),is,col
	data legend /'data mis.','no dec.','night','no snow','lake',
	2	'ocean','cloud','lake ice','snow','det. sat.','fill'/
	data ic /0,1,11,25,37,39,50,100,200,254,255/ 
	giorno=04 ; mese=2 ; anno=2012 ; rec=julianday(giorno,mese,anno)
	call snowfrommodis(rec,anno,modis,nlon,nlat,n1,n2,slon,elon,slat,elat)
	title='Snow cover from Modis data'
	call datafromday(giorno,mese,anno,data)
	call mvsetflags('Logo',2.0) ; call mvsetflags('palette di colori',8.0)
	call mvsetflags('colore confini',1.0) 
	call settaiconfini(slon,elon,slat,elat)
	do is=1,11
	   col=is+2 ; icc(is)=col
	   call boxplot(modis,nlon,nlat,ic(is)-0.5,ic(is)+0.5,col,col,' ')
	call boundaries(slon,elon,slat,elat,7)
	call plotpalette(0.09,'h',icc,legend,11)
	call displayexample('example37',title,data)