MVLib - Short Writeup - Version 4.0 Example Number 39 - Cellular Automata |
This example show hout to use the subroutines cellularrule, cellularplot,
cellularcycle and cellularplot, more specifically a signal filering is
carried out using such subroutines.
The fortran code is available here and the complete script running the code is available here. |
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parameter (nx=50,ny=50,ntot=nx*ny) integer mm(nx,ny) character file*30,titolo*40,tit1*60 data tit1 /'Filtering Icarus Signal with C.A.'/ call mvsetflags('Palette di colori',2.0) call mvsetflags('cellular step',10.0) open(10,file='exe39.dat',status='old') read (10,'(16i5)') mm ; close(10) call cellularrule (-2,0) call cellularplot(mm,nx,ny) call makefilename('tmp',0,'.gif',file) call mvsetflags('X Size',600.0) call produciplot(file,tit1,'Before Filtering') do n=1,3 call cellularcycle(mm,nx,ny) call cellularplot(mm,nx,ny) call makefilename('tmp',n,'.gif',file) write (titolo,'(a,i1,a)') 'After ',n,' cycles.' call produciplot(file,tit1,titolo) end do call viacolvento('tmp*.gif','example39.gif') end |