MVLib - Short Writeup

Version 3.0 - February 2013

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I/O Utilities for MM5 output files
mm5readfld(iunit,fld,n,dum,ixm,jxm,kxm,ix,jx,kx) S Allows to read the specified field from the MM5 output file specified as first argument. The description of each argument follows:
  • iunit an integer input specifying the fortran logic unit to be used;
  • fld An integer string specifying the field to be read; if a wrong string is passed the program is stopped after giving the list of valid options (fields);
  • n An output integer specifiyng the current time slice read; it must be set to zero before the first call;
  • dum(ixm,jxm,kxm) The output real array containg the MM5 field;
  • ix,jx,kx three output integer specifying the part of dum array that has actually filled; as an example for 2-dimensional fields is always kx=1.
See also the examples 01, 02, 03 and 04.
mm5basefld(fld,dom,dum,ixm,jxm,ix,jx,errfl) S Allows to retrieve the main fields of MM5 operational run. The description of arguments follow:
  • fld is a character string specifying the field to retrive, valid options are: 'land use' 'terrain' 'latitdot' 'longidot' 'latitcrs' and 'longicrs';
  • dom is an integer in the range (1-3) specifying the domain, 1 means the outer domain, 2 means the the intermediate domain, 3 means the innermost domain;
  • dum(ixm,jxm) two dimesnional array containing, as output, the basic MM5 field;
  • ix,jx two output integer variables containing the actual dimension of MM5 field;
  • errfl an integer code returning the error condition (if not zero).
    1. Input string specifiyng the field is not correct;
    2. Integer flag specifiyng the domain is not correct;
    3. Error opening MuSEO file;
    4. Error reading MuSEO file.
mm5readcnt(iunit,n,ind,num3d,num2d,ix,jx,kx,id,ich,icr) S Read from the logical unit specified as first argument, the description of MM5 fields contained in the current MM5 output file. This routine is usually not called by the user but it is invoked by mm5readfld listed above.
mm5readhd (iunit,n,mif,mrf,mifc,mrfc) S Read from the logical unit specified as first argument the header of MM5 output file. This routine is usually not called by the user but it is invoked by mm5readfld listed above.
bhi2mif S Fill the components of vectors mif and mrf form the components of vectors bhr and bhi; this was needed to read and manipulate in the same way the fields read from the versions 2 and 3 of MM5 model; this routine is usually not called by the users but automatically invoked by mm5readfld routine described below. (By Barbara Tomassetti)
mm5mif(i,j) I An integer function allowing to retrieve the values of mif array (MM5 version 2).
mm5mif(i,j) I A real function allowing to retrieve the values of mrf array (MM5 version 2).
In the second column of this table: I stays for Integer Function, R stays for Real Function and S stays for Subroutine.
MVLib documentation version 4.0 created by Marco Verdecchia This document has been updated on February 24, 2013 h: 10.47