MVLib - Short Writeup - Version 4.0 Histogram manipulation - last update: October 16, 2013 Source code available for local users only |
istogramma(s,n,title) | To call istogramma is the simplest and fastest way to produce an histogram. The input real vector s(n) contains the data to book; the character variable title specifyes the title of the histogram. After calling istogramma you have only to call displayplot routine to display the histogram. |
mvbook(id,xleft,xright,nbin,title) | Create a structure of data allowing to fill and manipulate an histogram. id is an integer identifying the histrogram, MVLib allow to simultanely use and manipulate up to 20 histograms; xleft and xright are two real input variable specifying the left and right limit of the histogram; the integer parameter nbin specifies the number of bin you want to use to create the histogram; the character variable title specifyes the title of the histogram. Note that if id=0 all the histograms previously defined and filled are cleaned. See also the examples 7, 18, 19 and 20. |
mvbookfill(id,value,weight) | Fill the histogram whose identifier is id (see the description of mvbook routine above) with the value specified by value real input argument. the last argument specify the weight, it must be 1.0 if all the data have the same weight. See also the examples 7, 18 and 19. |
mvbookvfill(id,v,n) | Fill the histogram whose identifier is id (see the description of mvbook routine above) with the n values contained in the real vector v. See also the example 20. |
mvbookprint(id) | Print on the standard output the values of different bin of the histogram whose identifier is id. |
mvbookget (id,v) | Get the values of different bins for the histogram whose identifier is id; the values are stored in the output real vector v. The subroutines mvbookget and mvbookset (descript below) allow a simple way to normalize an histogram providing the so called PDF (Probability distribution Function), see also the example 33. |
mvbookset (id,v) | Provide the invers function of previous mvbookget routine, namely it set the values of different bins for the histogram whose identifier is id; the values are stored in the input real vector v. |
mvbookclean(id) | Reset to zero all the bins of the histogram whose identifier is id. |
mvbookcentile(id,perc,cent) | Calculate the percentile defined as the the value of a variable below which a certain percent of observations fall. For example, the 20th percentile is the value (or score) below which 20 percent of the observations may be found. The second input argument specifies the percentage, the tirth argument will contain, as output, the percentile. See also the the first plot of example 33. |
mvbookplot(id) | Produces a plot with the data stored in the histogram whose identifier is id. See also the examples 7, 18, 19 and 20. |
windrosebook(ux,vx,rf,rq,nsec) | Allows to book data in order to produce a windrose histogram. ux and vx are respectively the zonal and and meridional wind components. nsec is an integer input specifying the number of sectors you want to use to divide the windrose. The routine will fill the output vectors rf and rq dimensioned at least (nsec); these vector must be passed to windroseplot routine to produce the histogram. See the example 24. |
windroseplot(rq,rf,nsec) | Allows to produce an histogram from the real vectors rf and rq filled by windrosebook routine described above. See the example 24. |
MVLib documentation version 4.0 created by Marco Verdecchia | This document has been updated on October 16, 2013 h: 11.47 |