MVLib - Short Writeup - Version 4.0 Example Number 10 - High level interface to JetNet Package |
This example shows how to use the high level interface to jetnet neural
package. The routine jndfar allows to define the neural architecture,
The routine jnplot allows to automatically plot a schematic view
of the previous defined neural architecture, the routine jnlegend
add to the plot a caption of different I/O parameters of the network
The source code to produce these plots is available here and the complete script running the code is available here. |
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common /dummy/ dum(100000) character s(11)*6 data s /'T(t)','T(t-1)','Ux','Vx','Uy','Vy','Fc','X(t)','Y(r)','W', 2 'X(t+1)'/ call mvsetflags('Colore Titoli',1.0) call jndfar(3,10,6,1,1,0,0) call jnplot(0.1,0.7,1.0,6) call jnlegend(s,1) call jndfar(4,10,10,7,1,0,1) call jnplot(0.3,0.4,1.2,18) call jnlegend(s,18) call jndfar(5,8,6,4,6,8,0) call jnplot(0.7,0.7,0.5,9) call jndfar(3,2,2,1,1,0,0) call jnplot(0.57,0.1,1.7,9) s(1)='I1' ; s(2)='I2' ; s(3)='Xor' call jnlegend(s,13) call displayexample('example10','ANN Architectures', 2 'Don''t waste your time (and money) with matlab, Use MVLib!') call jndfar(4,10,10,7,1,0,1) call jnplot(0.3,0.55,1.4,18) call displayexample('example10','ANN Architectures', 2 'Recurrent Artificial Neural Network') end |