MVLib - Short Writeup - Version 4.0
Example Number 10 - High level interface to JetNet Package
This example shows how to use the high level interface to jetnet neural package. The routine jndfar allows to define the neural architecture, The routine jnplot allows to automatically plot a schematic view of the previous defined neural architecture, the routine jnlegend add to the plot a caption of different I/O parameters of the network
The source code to produce these plots is available here and the complete script running the code is available here.
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	common /dummy/ dum(100000)
	character s(11)*6
	data s /'T(t)','T(t-1)','Ux','Vx','Uy','Vy','Fc','X(t)','Y(r)','W',
	2	'X(t+1)'/
	call mvsetflags('Colore Titoli',1.0)
	call jndfar(3,10,6,1,1,0,0)
	call jnplot(0.1,0.7,1.0,6)
	call jnlegend(s,1)
	call jndfar(4,10,10,7,1,0,1)
	call jnplot(0.3,0.4,1.2,18)
	call jnlegend(s,18)
	call jndfar(5,8,6,4,6,8,0)
	call jnplot(0.7,0.7,0.5,9)
	call jndfar(3,2,2,1,1,0,0)
	call jnplot(0.57,0.1,1.7,9)
	s(1)='I1' ; s(2)='I2' ; s(3)='Xor' 
	call jnlegend(s,13)
	call displayexample('example10','ANN Architectures',
	2	'Don''t waste your time (and money) with matlab, Use MVLib!')

	call jndfar(4,10,10,7,1,0,1)
	call jnplot(0.3,0.55,1.4,18)
	call displayexample('example10','ANN Architectures',
	2	'Recurrent Artificial Neural Network')