Sunrise over Radiometrics MP-3000A at ARM NSA site in Barrow (by Nico Cimini)

Prosensing GVR at ARM NSA site in Barrow (by Nico Cimini)

Kipp&Zonen MTP5 in L'Aquila during ISSAOS 2007 (by Nico Cimini)

RPG HATPRO operative near a landfill in Torretta di Legnago (by Massimo Enrico Ferrario)

Kipp&Zonen MTP5-HE on the terrace of the Gaggia pavilion of the hospital in Feltre (BL) (by Massimo Enrico Ferrario)

Kipp&Zonen MTP5-HE on the roof of the Regional Governament in Rovigo (M. E. Ferrario is working on the thermometer sensor) (by Massimo Enrico Ferrario)

Kipp&Zonen MTP5-HE on the roof of DAP-ARPAV in downtown Padova (by Massimo Enrico Ferrario)

Sundown impression of RPG-HATPRO at the bearing deck of the research vessel Polarstern, somewhere on the Atlantic ocean (by Yann Zoll)

Radiometers running on the roof of University of Wisconsin CIMSS building in Madison (by Dave Turner)

CEAMA-UGR HATPRO at its location in operation since 15th October 2010 (by Fernandez Galvez, Jesus)

RPG-HATPRO functioning on the roof of the Institute of Physics, St.Petersburg State University, Russia. Thin threads over the radome were installed in order to protect the radome from regular attacks by birds, mainly crows (by Kostsov, Vladimir)