AdriaMORE is the acronym of "Adriatic DSS exploitation for MOnitoring and Risk management of coastal Extreme weather and flooding" and brings together 4 partners from Croatia and Italy.
AdriaMORE is a project cofunded by the European Union through Interreg Italy-Croatia CBC Programme under Call for proposal 2017 Standard+
AdriaMORE project goal is to improve an existing integrated hydro-meteorological risk management platform focusing on the Adriatic coastal areas of Italy and Croatia capitalizing the major achievements of ADRIARadNet and CapRadNet projects. The latter, successfully completed under the Adriatic IPA CBC Programme, were devoted to create a cross-border infrastructure of observing and forecasting systems for civil protection purpose.
The AdriaMORE approach is finalized to:
- reinforcing the existing monitoring system;
- fostering and integrating the maritime environmental data in a coherent way with the hydrometeorological information;
- improving the hydro-meteo-marine risk forecast capabilities;
- assess the impact of coastal flood on geomorphological and biogeochemical parameters and coastal environment.
To this end the following specif objectives are planned:
The AdriaMORE Kick-off Meeting will be held on Monday 9 April 2018 at Consiglio Regionale palace (Sala Corradino D'Ascanio) in Piazza dell'Unione 13 in Pescara, starting on 14:30 and finishing at 19:00. See the Agenda for more details.
The Kick off meeting will be followed by a conference to explain the project to local and national authority will be held on Tuesday 10 April 2018 from 10:00 to 13:00 at Consiglio Regionale palace (Sala Corradino D'Ascanio) in Piazza dell'Unione 13 in Pescara.
You can reach Pescara by bus DIRECTLY from Fiumicino/ROME airport. Attached you'll find the useful DiCarloBus time schedule (extracted from the web site

From Pescara (Piazzale Repubblica) to Fiumicino/Rome airport
Alternatively, you can go by train from Fiumicino airport to Tiburtina station in Rome and then take a bus there to Pescara and viceversa (TUA buses,
In Pescara there is also an airport (
You can book any hotel in the city center of Pescara, Hotel Alba (near central train station), Hotel Gardenia (near KOM premises) and G-Hotel (near central train station) are recommended; for the latter there is special discount naming Region Abruzzo when booking.
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