About the Project
ADRIARadNet is the acronym of ADRIAtic integrated RADar-based and web-oriented information processing system NETwork to support hydro-meteorological monitoring and civil protection decision.
ADRIARadNet is a project cofunded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA).

Project Aims
ADRIARadNet is the name of the project positively evaluated by European Commission under IPA Adriatic Cross Border Cooperation Programme and currently ongoing. It aimed at creating an innovative decision support system to enhance the response capacity to extreme weather events affecting the security of people in the Adriatic areas.
In this respect the main four ADRIARadNet objectives are:
- determination of Adriatic cross-border guidelines and policies to support warning emission and risk management;
- testing of low cost weather radar systems, combined with satellite data processing systems and conventional ground networks sensors, for Adriatic severe weather monitoring;
- development of an early warning system, based on coupled hydro-meteorological numerical modeling and observational data assimilation, tuned to the local territory;
- implementation of a flexible ICT platform for data sharing and consultation, based on the interoperability paradigm so that data sources can be easily augmented in the future.