On December 6th, 2016 in Ljubljana (Slovenia), the Geological Survey of Slovenia organised a national stakeholder meeting to present the project aims and results

The topic of the meeting focused on the integration of relevant data for risk management which significantly increase the value of available information and the level of knowledge of forecasters and disaster managers. The following was discussed:
(1) State-of-the-art meteorological products in Slovenia and Croatia and their integration into the landslide and flood prediction models which can be used daily by Civil Agencies for protection of people and their properties;
(2) Example of a real-time integrated system for hydro-meteorological and wildfire risk forecasting, monitoring and prevention: “MyDewetra platform”. The system is based on the rapid availability of different data, which help establish up-to-date and reliable risk scenarios;
(3) Landslide and flood prediction models in Slovenia and Croatia;
(4) Structure of the Slovenian Administration for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief, its responsibilities and possible usage of prediction models in intervention actions.

The local stakeholder meeting offered a networking opportunity for various competent and research authorities in risk management at the (inter)national level as well as at the municipality level. Involved authorities have received a positive response regarding presented forecasting systems and prediction models. The importance of good interaction between different institutions and stakeholders, the importance of creating more accurate spatial and temporal products that can be further used for prediction of natural disasters, mainly related with precipitation were emphasized during the discussion.