+39 0862 433012 / 433073
Fax: +39 0862433089
26 Gennaio 2017@11:00–11:45
Sala Riunioni, 1° Piano Coppito 1
Via Vetoio
67100 Coppito AQ



Sulfate geoengineering has been proposed as an affordable and climate-effective mean to temporarily offset the warming produced by the increase of well mixed greenhouse gases (WMGHG). The direct radiative effects of sulfur injection in the tropical lower stratosphere can be summarized as increasing shortwave scattering and increasing longwave absorption. Indirect radiative effects are related to induced changes in the ozone distribution, stratospheric water vapor abundance, formation and size of upper tropospheric cirrus ice particles and lifetime of longlived species. A review of these effects will be presented in this seminar, focusing mainly on results from the ULAQ-CCM model, together with some ideas on how to continue the research in the next years.


Daniele Visioni is a PhD student in the Department of Physical and Chemical Sciences (DSFC) of the University of L’aquila. His research interests are the effects of past volcanic eruptions on the atmosphere and climate modeling applied to the research of different methods of geoengineering.
